Movies |
Kumbali Kindergarten

Solarkochen 2017 - YouTube (WMV - 03:38 - 31 MB)

Malawi 2016 - YouTube (FLV - 08:37 - 241,3 MB)

Eröffnung am 2. April 2012 - YouTube (FLV - 08:10 - 36,4 MB)

My country is Malawi! My city is Lilongwe! My continent is Africa! - WMV (2,2 MB)

Gesungen von den Kindern
der alten Schule - WMV (3,1 MB)
God bless our land of Malawi, keep it a land of peace. Put down each
and every enemy, hunger, disease, envy. Join together all our hearts as
one, that we be free from fear. Bless our leader, each and every one,
and Mother Malawi.

So kocht man Nsima - WMV (9,4 MB)