The Assocoation |
Association register and public utility
The association was founded on 21st February 2010 by 7 members and registered
through Amtsgericht (local court) Waiblingen on 12th March 2010
under No. 1446. Amendments of the articles were registered on 6th April 2010 and 9th September 2015 respectively.
Finanzamt (inland revenue office) Waiblingen issued the
Vorläufige Bescheinigung zur Beurteilung der Abziehbarkeit von Spenden im Sinne von §
10b EStG, § Abs. 1 Nr. 2 KStG und § 9 Nr. 5 GewStG beim Spender (provisional certificate for the appraisal of tax deductibility of donations)
on 14th April 2010 and the Freistellungsbescheide zur Körperschaftsteuer und Gewerbesteuer
(tax exemption from corporate and commercial income tax), the last one for 2021-2023 on 20th June 2024
(Reference: 90080/18701). Accordingly, the association is entitled to issue donation receipts according to the officially prescribed form (§ 50 Abs. 1 EStDV)
for donations and membership fees.
Articles of association
The articles specify
Waiblingen-Beinstein as the association's headquarters.
Financial year is the calendar year. The articles define purpose, objectives and controlling bodies of the association and contain regulations for membership and Dissolution.
A printable German version of the articles is available for display or download below:
(pdf, 27 kB) 
Controlling bodies
Controlling bodies are the
Board and the Members' Assembly.
The board consists of Chairperson and Treasurer;
both of them serve in an honorary capacity. The board will be represented by the chairperson and the treasurer in and out of court;
each of these has sole representation powers. The regular Members' Assembly takes place once a year, usually in the first quarter.
On 21st April 2024, the Members' Assembly re-elected as Board for a period of another two years:
- Grit Wagner-Strohn, Chairwoman,
- Michael Strohn, Treasurer.
Any person,
being an individual, legal entity or association, and being of full age may become a member of the association.
With written consent of their legal representatives, adolescents who are at least 16 years old can also become members.
Membership is obtained by signed declaration of accession; a printable German version is available for display or download below:
(pdf, 9 kB)

The membership takes effect with the Board's confirmation on the copy of the declaration of accession that we will send back immediately.
Membership can be terminated by resignation effective at the end of the financial year. The membership ceases if the payment of membership fee is omitted despite two reminders.
On 31st March 2024 the association had 45 members.
Membership fees and donations
The Founding Members' Assembly
fixed the monthly membership fee at 1.00 EUR for individuals and 5.00 EUR for legal entities and associations.
The membership fee is payable upon receipt of the confirmation of admission for the first time, then annually in the course of the first quarter.
For our new cooperation project, we depend on donations also from non-members, and we will be grateful for each and
every penny. We emphasize that we take our working in an honorary capacity very seriously; in particular board and members finance the trips to Malawi from
their own pocket, so that all income is being exclusively used for the purposes of the association.
Our bank account: No. 338 304 002 at Volksbank Stuttgart,
BLZ 600 901 00, BIC: VOBADESS, IBAN: DE85600901000338304002.
You can donate Online using .
Please note, however, that fees will be charged to the association.
For each payment of membership fees or donation we issue a donation receipt according to the officially prescribed form
(§ 50 Abs. 1 EStDV). For that we require full name and address of the donor.
Non-members should include these data in the transfer, or convey them informally if there is not sufficient space.
Please let us know if you don't need a donation receipt - you help us saving on postage this way.